Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Song About The Coney Island Houses

Here's a wonderful surprise for everyone. We all remember that Andy was a terrific drummer and we enjoyed seeing his band at the Y. He sent me a song that he wrote about the projects. Here is Andy in his own words:

I wrote the song in the late 1980's. After a night of recording new songs at the studio, I was driving home and I just started thinking of Coney Island and growing up in a special place. You came and you went, but you always came back. Safe and secure. You know? But when you left, other elements of life affected you. It was like stepping outside of Paradise. I think I wrote the song in about 20 minutes. Andy Adams

Here's a link for the song: Paradise. Click Here
Joey DePinto


Coney Island Houses said...

Andy, the song is fantastic. Very John Lennon. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Anonymous said...


I was totally impressed by your song and agree that it was very John Lennon like. Thanks for the memories.

Steve Blackburn

Anonymous said...


What can I say? Great song about a great time in our lives. Thanks for keeping them alive.


Anonymous said...

great song
you still have it
playing tennis everday in miami
with my wife of thity five years elba at a park that reminds me
of coney
gary bondaroff

Anonymous said...


Just recently found out about this blog site. Great!

It was paradise for us. I tend to think that it was special place and we're lucky to have those special memories. When I get down I sometimes think that no matter what happened after we had that "paradise" to ourselves.

Thanks for the song. What else you been up to?

Stu Goldberg

Anonymous said...

This song is awesome, very nice. Thanks for sharing with us.